Thursday, October 05, 2006

What An Exciting Few Days I Have Had!!

It has been a busy few days here in Kentucky. I've been working too much and knitting too little.
But even so.......Here are my OCTOBER SOCKS for my socks of the month!

My new digital camera sucks, I ended up with the socks on my lap taking their pics (the lighting and the focus was pretty bad but I finally got some color in the picture in this position! And yes the camera goes back!) I love the way the browns and blues blend. I wish you could see them in person!

Yesterday I received my tea swap package from across the pond. That would be Great Britain! It had all kinds of wonderful Biscuits and Teas. There was a package of green tea that looks divine and some loose leaf darker tea from India that is amazing! They both smell delicious while brewing!
The larger tin of biscuits are half eaten before this picture was taken. Yum! And, actually, there were FOUR of the smaller containers of chocolate and orange cookies before my son swooped in on the contents! He really does like these swaps!
I received some beautiful British yarns. The first is a blue multi-colored silk from Hipknits that feels divine! The red that you see is a cashmere and silk blend from Posh Yarns. I can't wait to make a beautiful scarf or shawl from it.

And then there is a blue green multi-colored yarn marked Lana Grossa that is going to become my "British socks"! My spoiler is Emily from "Craft Cocktail" is amazing and I thank her sooo much! She did a great job spoiling me rotten...And lest I forget, the pictures by her partner of the land and city scapes were awesome!

And finally, I have completed my scarf for ISE3 and will soon be sending it on its way! I am so thrilled to have it finished and will soon have it packed and on its way to _____________ in _________ USA!!

I certainly hope she likes it. I will be putting a nice suprise in the box with the scarf! THIS I know she will like. (sorry about the fuzzy picture. crappy camera...

Now I am going to pack MY KTS2 pals box and will be sending it out later today. I'm so excited!!


Blogger Abigail said...

I took a pic of your coco goodies if you need it for your blog. Let me know, Abigail

Blogger Emily said...

Kelly- so glad you liked your box, it was fun to put together, and I hope the colours are jewel-like enough. Glad your son likes the chocolate orange biscuits! I love shortbread, myself, and though not a royalist, reckon that the Prince of Wales trust that the Duchy originals money goes to does good stuff....


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