Friday, February 22, 2008

Knitted Video!!

All I can say is I want to knit like that!!
I guess it would be an even better video if I understood French. BTW: I snarfed this from Robyn's blog!


Blogger David said...

Here's the song

Les peaux d'lievres


T'as les joues rouges boréales
Tes couettes noires virent au blanc comme l'asphalte
Y tombe des peaux d'lièvres sur Montréal

On s'éclipse sur party
La neige crisse sous nos pieds
Les flocons dansent doucement
Dans le vent

Mais c'pas la faute du temps
Si je frisonne
Et nos mains se repèrent
Et nos coeurs s'accelèrent

On s'dit rien et pourtant
On s'comprend
Sur les premiers murmures
De l'hiver

Le désir nous harcèle
On court par les ruelles
Ça fait tellement longtemps qu'on s'attend
La nuit s'annonce chaude et si belle

T'as les joues rouges boréales
Tes couettes noires virent au blanc comme l'asphalte
Y tombe des peaux d'lièvres sur Montréal

Rabbit skins

Your cheeks are borealis red
Your black quilts become white like asphalt
And rabbit skins fall over Montreal

We run off together
The snow crunches under our feet
The snowflakes dance softly
In the wind

But it's not the weather's fault
If I shiver
And our hands find each other
And our hearts beat faster

We say nothing and yet
We understand each other
The first whispers
Of Winter

Desire harasses us
We run through the alleys
We've waited so long
The night comes on hot and beautiful

Your cheeks are borealis red
Your black quilts become white like asphalt
And rabbit skins fall over Montreal

Blogger David said...

a couple of notes on the translation:

Tes couettes noires:
it means black quilts.. specifically eiderdown. however..I think it really refers to her hair.her hair is graying..

Les peaux d'lievres:
snow as soft as rabbit fur

the snowflakes (rabbit skins) are falling on her hair (black quilt)

those quirky funky quebecois!

Blogger toni in florida said...

What a cool video! Thanks for the link. And also thanks to David for the lyrics and translation.

Blogger Filambulle said...

note on the translation: couettes refers to her hair style.
she wears her hair in bunches = elle porte des couettes


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